Apply Mesh Space Additive
Apply mesh space additive animation to normal pose

Additively applies the “Additive” input pose to the “Base” input pose based on an input alpha. The alpha value can be a float, a boolean or an AnimCurve value.
With an alpha value of 0, only the base pose will be displayed, with a value of 1, the additive is fully applied.
This node assumes the additive input is mesh space additive. For local space additive inputs use the Apply Additive node.
Note about incompatible inputs
Trying to evaluate a non-additive input in the “Additive” input pose will result in this warning:
AnimBlueprintLog: Warning: Trying to play a non-additive animation '\<SequenceName\>' into a pose that is expected to be additive in anim instance '\<AnimBlueprint\>'
Trying to evaluate a local space additive input does not result in any warning.